The Unlock Dress Code

By Sue Spiers

Monday’s mask bears buttercups,
saffron buttons under launderette-fog glasses.


Beetroot stains her Tuesday mouth
like rose lipstick. No one sees her smile.


To the bank on Wednesday with leaf-green
tree design, branches loop her ears.


Segments over her nostrils
at the grocer’s; tangerines for tea.


Down to the sea on Fridays, cod
and chips seep vinegar in a Hokusai wave.


Adoring Cadbury’s dairy milk,
the sweet shop owner nods to Jenny Joseph.


She hops the double decker to church
with a post-box between nose and chin.


Inspiration: The inspiration for this poem came, in part, from a book called Tingo which explores non-English words without translation: page 182 has the Thai dress code of colours to wear for good luck on each day of the week. This is coupled with a covid-need to wear masks, also for good luck.


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Image by Amanda Martin from Pixabay

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