Think Tank: The Podcast Part I
Back in April, stand up comedian Joe Wells wrote about what motivated him to create a new series of live political comedy shows called Think Tank. If you missed it, fear not, because Joe has kindly [… read more ]
Back in April, stand up comedian Joe Wells wrote about what motivated him to create a new series of live political comedy shows called Think Tank. If you missed it, fear not, because Joe has kindly [… read more ]
Stand up comedian Joe Wells writes about his new project bringing together politicians and comics for themed political debate. If I have achieved just one thing in the past 5 years working as a stand [… read more ]
Laszlo Dumitrescu is a businessman who emigrated from Bucharest to Southsea in 2015. Following on from his adventures in Issue 1, the wealth creator casts an eye over a General Election in which he is [… read more ]
James Bicheno takes an affectionate look at the local lingo. If you are a visitor to this lovely island city of ours you could well overhear certain words and phrases you might find curious, baffling [… read more ]
JS Adams imagines a dystopian future for Portsmouth and its iconic landmarks, which may not be as far off as we might have hoped… “…In a decaying society, art if it is truthful, Must also [… read more ]
Invirtual Memorandum From: Prof. —- , Dean-for-Impact of Global Appropriation and Annexation Strategizing To: Dr —- , E-Provost-in-Chief of Knowledge Commodification Hey Dr —, Just back from the Planet Pedagogy E-Xpo in the enterprising metropolis [… read more ]
Cartoon by Owen Devine. Check out more of Owen’s work at his website, Devine Comedy.
From time to time, Sarah Cheverton is called upon by local authorities to do communications work, often when there’s a particularly hot potato that officers are flipping nervously amongst each other. Occasionally, the nature of these complaints [… read more ]
Laszlo Dumitrescu Hello, people of Portsmouth, the English Riviera, my fellow Europeans. I arrive in your city from Romania to make a better life for my family. The weather was shining when we approach the [… read more ]
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