Nigra Bamboo
By Maggie Sawkins We thought the planting of it would enhance our patio garden, but its stems hardened. Now after four years it has obscured the view from the bedroom window. We have [… read more ]
By Maggie Sawkins We thought the planting of it would enhance our patio garden, but its stems hardened. Now after four years it has obscured the view from the bedroom window. We have [… read more ]
Maggie Sawkins, who leads local poetry and creative group Tongues & Grooves has unleashed a local #writingchallenge and they kindly let us publish the responses. This week’s challenge was – in Paul Klee’s words – to [… read more ]
Maggie Sawkins, who leads local poetry and creative group Tongues & Grooves has unleashed a local #writingchallenge and they kindly let us publish the responses. This week’s challenge is to write a poem of 14 lines in which [… read more ]
Maggie Sawkins, who leads local poetry and creative group Tongues & Grooves has unleashed a local #writingchallenge and they kindly let us publish the responses. This week’s challenge is to write a Cinquain, a syllabic form invented [… read more ]
Last week, Maggie Sawkins, who leads local poetry and creative group Tongues & Grooves unleashed a local #writingchallenge and they kindly let us publish the responses. Make sure you get involved and give Tongues and Grooves [… read more ]
Maggie Sawkins writes about her experience of using poetry to work with a local group open to anyone battling with substance misuse, mental ill health and/or homelessness, which runs on Saturdays at Central Library. Biblio-Poetry [… read more ]
Inspired by the darker side of our maritime history, Dark Side Port Side is a self-guided poetry film trail through an imagined 19th century Portsmouth. William Sutton tells of the genesis of this ground-breaking project, [… read more ]
I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will have Mexico pay for that wall. I will build a great, great wallaby on our southern bore, and I will have [… read more ]
S&C regular and admired local poet Richard Williams will be launching his new collection, Landings, at the Square Tower, Old Portsmouth on Thursday 20th September at 7.30pm. S&C poetry editor and Ted Hughes Prize winner [… read more ]
Following recent news that Portsmouth Blackwell’s is under threat, local writer Will Sutton explains the huge difference the team there have made to his own career and to the wider writing community in the city. [… read more ]
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