STAR POems: Mark My Words

I will build a great, great wall on our southern border,

and I will have Mexico pay for that wall.

I will build a great, great wallaby on our southern bore,

and I will have Mexico pay for that wallaby.

I will build a great, great wallet on our southern borehole,

and I will have Mexico pay for that wallet.

I will build a great, great wallflower on our southern borough,

and I will have Mexico pay for that wallflower.

I will build a great, great wallop on our southern borrow,

and I will have Mexico pay for that wallop.

I will build a great, great walloping on our southern borrower,

and I will have Mexico pay for that walloping.

I will build a great, great wallow on our southern borrowing,

and I will have Mexico pay for that wallow.

I will build a great, great wallpaper on our southern borstal,

and I will have Mexico pay for that wallpaper.

I will build a great, great wally on our southern bosom,

and I will have Mexico pay for that wally.

I will build a great, great walnut on our southern boss,

and I will have Mexico pay for that walnut.

I will build a great, great walrus on our southern bosun,

and I will have Mexico pay for that walrus.

I will build a great, great waltz on our southern botanist,

and I will have Mexico pay for that waltz.

I will build a great, great wand on our southern botch,

and I will have Mexico pay for that wand.

I will build a great, great wander on our southern bother,

and I will have Mexico pay for that wander.

I will build a great, great wanderer on our southern bottle,

and I will have Mexico pay for that wanderer.

I will build a great, great wandering on our southern bottleneck,

and I will have Mexico pay for that wandering.

I will build a great, great wane on our southern bottom,

and I will have Mexico pay for that wane.

I will build a great, great wanker on our southern boudoir,

and I will have Mexico pay for that wanker.

I will build a great, great war on our southern bouffant,

and I will have Mexico pay for that war.

Maggie Sawkins