A poem by Bruce Parry, accompanied by a piece by his late father, Emlyn, and a painting by his mother, June.
Sky Train
by Bruce Parry
There is a feeling of release and freedom inside this rainbow,
it is quiet and peaceful, but slightly wet.
I’m not obligated here, within these colours,
it is simple and less noisy, I’ll stay,
not slide down into that pot of gold, too complicated!
The rainbow understands me, even in thunder,
these colours magnify green on earth, blue on sea,
‘Will this rainbow end soon? I hope not!’
But the chalk drawings on pavements will run away in downpours,
and will the lightning imprint them into memory first?
Other rainbows will cross the sky,
new sky trains for my ride to freedom.
By Emlyn Parry
The mountain my castle,
the Seagull my crier,
the rock is my grate,
the sunshine my fire,
wild heather my carpets,
my window the sky,
clouds are my curtains,
the wind for my cry,
the brook is my fountain,
sheep are my flock,
ornaments my toadstools,
a Cuckoo my clock,
the stars are my magic,
my lamp is the moon,
a Mole for my digger,
the Blackbird my tune,
moss for my pillow,
my roof is the trees,
wild Rose is my garden,
my collector the Bee,
the night is my silence,
and on me it creeps,
Man my Tormenter,
so leave me to sleep.
Painting by June Parry
Inspiration: Sky Train comes out of a writing workshop with Pens of the Earth. The rainbow is symbolic of freedom and the memory of the year of this pandemic of Covid-19. The rainbows are sky trains of escape; lightning photographs the chalk drawing memories.
Pens of the Earth is about encouraging writers to celebrate existing environmental initiatives, and to imagine what might be.
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Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay