A Sliver of Life
By Sue Shipp We’d just sat down from our labours when Old Roy appeared on the grass path running between the allotments, eating a nectarine, the other hand hidden behind his back. He slopped along [… read more ]
By Sue Shipp We’d just sat down from our labours when Old Roy appeared on the grass path running between the allotments, eating a nectarine, the other hand hidden behind his back. He slopped along [… read more ]
by ‘SC’ All Souls’ Day, approaching dusk. Park regulars nodded greetings as their dogs sniffed around each other. Claire would probably have recognised some of them, perhaps on smiling, chatting or patting terms. Maybe even [… read more ]
Emma Murphy, co-editor of Portsmouth Green Party’s Shades of Green blog, shares the challenges and opportunities of combining environmentally-friendly living with a tight budget. You may not know this about me, but I am really, [… read more ]
Zoë Ingram, student at Havant and South Downs College, asks why young people seem more concerned with the climate emergency. Climate change can be a widely overshadowed issue when it comes to election coverage, but [… read more ]
Community reporter and founder of Pens of the Earth, Helen Salsbury, shares the benefits of meditation during the current local election campaign. I learnt a long time ago that I am not a political activist. [… read more ]
Ahead of the general election, Paris Ali-Pilling and Sarah Cheverton take a critical look at MP for Portsmouth North, Penny Mordaunt’s voting record across a range of issues since her election in 2010, using the [… read more ]
By Chris Walsh ‘It would have to happen to me, wouldn’t it?’ she sighed, plonking her smartphone on the table, its display cracked completely. ‘Vicki, careful!’ replied her mother. ‘You’ll scratch the varnish!’ ‘It’s Victoria, [… read more ]
By Linda L. Hillborne Jacinta flicked through the clothes rail in the unconventional little boutique, which stood on the corner of Osborne Road in Southsea. A memory blinked across her mind. ‘Make do and mend,’ [… read more ]
Southampton Airport recently submitted to Eastleigh Council plans to expand the airport to accommodate double the amount of passenger numbers over the next 5 – 10 years. Local writer and activist Joseph Aylmer explains why [… read more ]
By Clare Seek I’m Chloe, I’m 11 years old and I’ve always lived in Portsmouth. I hadn’t realised so much had changed in my neighbourhood in the past 10 years until I started researching a [… read more ]
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