Shades of You

By Philip Wilson 


Pencil sharpness

Creates a likeness

Of you, not by its pointed tip

But by its story it brings to our lips

Profile pictures

Are now accepted fixtures

In society

They give the holder personal notoriety

Your viewer knows that is an image of you

Whether it be a view

Of a favourite pet

Or in this case a cartoon image of a lady in a sea of wispy lines… which… you let

People decide what you look like…

Without… revealing the truth of your physicality, quite right…

Shades of you is all they need

So when you view a profile pic

Think of it…

As a door slightly ajar

With the owner… saying I know not who you really are

So let me decide how much I may reveal

Before… with your prying eyes

A creation of perception tries

To decide on first sight what lies behind

So in kind I can open it fully

When and if I wish to allow you entry

Then we can reveal our true light

Without a shade in sight


Author’s note: Written 20th September 2021 in The Poetry Factory and the fleshpot called Portsmouth from 0100 to 1209. The wispy lines intrigue, the bright smile entices, the dark areas say mystery. These are the areas I explored.


Image by Novemberlc under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license, via Wikimedia Commons


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