Steven George, Independent candidate for Portsmouth South, gives his answers to the five questions recently submitted by S&C readers to all local candidates in the 2019 election.
We recently asked S&C readers and social media followers what one question you would ask all the candidates in Portsmouth North and South in the General Election. From the many – and diverse – answers we received, we selected five questions, which we sent to all the local candidates.
To choose the top 5, we took into account the number of times questions were asked on each topic, whether questions were suitable for all candidates (i.e. some related to individual candidates, or to either Portsmouth North or South), and whether we have seen the topic or question covered in other local reporting (e.g. we didn’t include a question on Brexit for this reason).
Statement from Steven George
The biggest problem faced by transgender people like myself is the misconception that being trans is all about sex. The attitude and understanding is improving, but changes to law do little to assist those who don’t understand, they feel forced to recognise those things that are beyond their understanding. As the Justice and Anti Corruption Party candidate has personally experienced hate crimes – that being myself – any changes need to concentrate on simply enforcing the law on hate crime with greater strength; and while recognising the freedom to live as any gender, to teach the difference between sex and gender in schools with a greater understanding of the transgender condition itself being prominent for older children who can appreciate and understand the condition. Our party seeks an equality for all.
Your second question, benefits are simply not enough, and take no account of sudden emergencies, like paying for a funeral, divorce, domestic violence etc. A return to a maths equation that explains the day to day costs for one, which is then multiplied according to household numbers – with rent included – and no interest loans which assist with such emergencies as stated above, but are repaid in very small bites.
The disgusting sight of rising homelessness, directly linked to benefit cuts and changes, has to stop, with automatic rehoming of the over 65s, and anyone with disability or illness, and new council homes, and no sale of social housing allowed for the time being. Benefits are interlinked with homelessness.
I have experienced homelessness, and have also lived without heating for three years, and once had no payments from November until January 3rd, some time ago when an error was made, so understand what benefit cuts really mean.
Lastly the NHS must get more cash, and a big walk-in centre that covers all needs – from issuing prescriptions to bandaging and giving emergency treatments for an illness onset – is badly needed. I have had to wait three weeks to see a doctor, which is quite ridiculous.