Conker Time
By Bruce Parry Wind and rain push the branches of horse-chestnut to scatter childhood across the land, green shells break open to reveal the promising brown shine, tiny wellingtons jump and squash them apart for [… read more ]
By Bruce Parry Wind and rain push the branches of horse-chestnut to scatter childhood across the land, green shells break open to reveal the promising brown shine, tiny wellingtons jump and squash them apart for [… read more ]
by ‘SC’ All Souls’ Day, approaching dusk. Park regulars nodded greetings as their dogs sniffed around each other. Claire would probably have recognised some of them, perhaps on smiling, chatting or patting terms. Maybe even [… read more ]
Inspired by the many fabulous environmental initiatives taking place in Portsmouth, Pens of the Earth was set up to encourage writers to celebrate existing projects, and to imagine what might be. For the next three [… read more ]
Portsmouth has been ranked 9th in a list of English cities rated on their heritage and cultural assets and activities reports Sarah Cheverton. The Heritage Index was compiled by the Royal Society for the encouragement of [… read more ]
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