STARPOems: Foundling 453
A boy admitted 7th October 1748 When she dropped him at the hospital she tied a yellow ribbon around his tiny wrist with – My name is Andrews written in dark [… read more ]
A boy admitted 7th October 1748 When she dropped him at the hospital she tied a yellow ribbon around his tiny wrist with – My name is Andrews written in dark [… read more ]
Emily Priest reviews the first Special Collections event at the University of Portsmouth Library and finds a treasure trove of local history and culture that many local residents have yet to discover. On the 25th [… read more ]
The University of Portsmouth is opening the doors to its Special Collections in a unique and free community event to celebrate the University’s 25th birthday. The University of Portsmouth Library is hosting a free event [… read more ]
Portsmouth has been ranked 9th in a list of English cities rated on their heritage and cultural assets and activities reports Sarah Cheverton. The Heritage Index was compiled by the Royal Society for the encouragement of [… read more ]
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