We’re launching a new, monthly roundup of local events and protests for Pompey campaigners and activists. If you have an event, protest or campaign meeting you want to share, let us know on Facebook or Twitter. Listings compiled by Paris Ali-Pilling and Sarah Cheverton.
University of Portsmouth Students’ Union Black History Month (Oct 1st – Oct 31st)
The student union are holding a number of events to celebrate Black History Month throughout October, however these events are only open to students at the University. Click here to find out more.
black history month (all month long)
This website has a number on online events listed on their page here. Everything from teaching black history as part of British history to representations of race and gender in popular culture.
Fair Trade (Mon 11th Oct, 7pm – 8.30pm)
Join Zero Waste Portsmouth and The Package Free Larder for this free webinar on what Fairtrade certified means. Dr Roberta Discetti will explore the themes of environmental issues, gender equality and climate change. Book your tickets here.
Extinction Rebellion Portsmouth: Welcome meeting – get to know us! (Wed 13th Oct, 6pm)
Extinction Rebellion Portsmouth are hosting a Zoom meeting for people who are concerned about the future of the planet but don’t know how to help. If you want to learn more about Extinction Rebellion, here’s where to do it. Find out more here.
Portsmouth Socialist Workers Party: F*ck the system – is Socialism possible? (Wed 13th Oct, 7.30pm – 9pm)
Join the Portsmouth SWP who are holding this in-person event to discuss if Socialism is possible in today’s Britain. Find out more here.
Conservatives Against Sewage (Sat 16th Oct, 3pm)
Join the Portsmouth Conservatives and environmental activists as they protest Southern Water’s ‘continued abuse of our harbours and waterways.’ Find more information here.
FiLiA Conference (Sat 16th Oct – Sun 17th Oct)
The annual FiLiA conference is now Europe’s largest feminist conference, this year at Portsmouth Guildhall. Book your tickets here.
Repair Café Portsmouth (Sat 16th Oct, 10.30am – 1pm)
International Repair Day is the 16th October, so Repair Café Portsmouth is running a special session to bring your broken items back to life. Book your ticket here.
Portsmouth City Council Local Pan. (Sat 16th Oct, 10am – 1pm)
The Council have a created a new draft local plan. You have until the 31st of October to give your feedback using their virtual consultation room or go to the Drop in at Cosham Library. Find more information here.
Standing Against Transphobia in Portsmouth (Sat 16th Oct – Sun 17th Oct)
Standing Against Transphobia in Portsmouth are holding a peaceful protest against ‘gender critical’ feminism outside Portsmouth Guildhall on the 16th and 17th October, starting at 8am. Event information here.
Portsmouth Friends of the Earth campaign meeting (Mon 18th Oct, 7pm – 9pm)
Join Portsmouth Friends of the Earth to find out more about their campaigns on climate action, ‘double tree cover and nature everywhere’, and Streets for People. Email pfoeinfo@gmail.com for more information on how to attend.
Portsmouth City Council Local Pan. (Tue 19th Oct, 4pm – 8pm)
The Council have a created a new draft local plan. You have until the 31st of October to give your feedback using their virtual consultation room or go to the Drop in at Pompey in the Community. Find more information here.
Portsmouth City Council Local Pan. (Wed 20th Oct, 10am – 2pm)
The Council have a created a new draft local plan. You have until the 31st of October to give your feedback using their virtual consultation room or go to the Drop in at Central Library. Find more information here.
Portsmouth Climate Festival (Fri 22nd Oct – 12 Nov)
Portsmouth Climate Festival is a month-long event to raise awareness of the climate challenges in the city. Local groups and campaigners are invited to run their own events in this month. If you would like to register an event, click here.
Repair Café Portsmouth: Fixing the Climate – one repair at a time (Fri 22nd Oct, 7pm – 8.30pm)
The team at Repair Café will be hosting a workshop along with Ugo Vallauri for Ethical Consumer Week. Book your tickets here, and find out more about Ethical Consumer Week here.
Rising Tide: our vulnerable island & planet walk (Weds 27th October, 10.15am)
A walk organised by Friends of the Earth, Portsmouth as part of the Portsmouth Climate Festival. Booking required, via Eventbrite.
Racism, resistance & revolution: Portsmouth SWP online public meeting (Weds 27th October, 7.30-9pm)
An online event from Portsmouth Socialist Workers Party on racism and how it can be fought, with Moyra Samuels, Justice 4 Grenfell campaigner.
Extinction Rebellion Portsmouth:COP26 Pandemonium/Call the Alarm – Online Action (Sat 30th Oct, 5pm)
Extinction Rebellion Portsmouth are hosting a Zoom meeting to listen to the stories of people from the global south who are suffering from the results of climate change. The meeting will also reflect on their vision for COP26 and climate action with a two minute silence. Find more information here.
Climate Risks in Portsmouth (Mon 1st Nov, 5pm)
The University of Portsmouth are hosting this event as part of the Portsmouth Climate Festival. Come to this free in person event to hear from researchers on how Portsmouth could be affected from climate change. S&C founder Tom Sykes will be on the panel. Find out more information here.
All without extra carbon – cleaning up our world (Tue 2nd Nov – Thur 4th Nov, 11am – 3pm)
Join the University of Portsmouth and find out what options there are to decarbonise the world. Drop in for daily debates and listen to talks from leaders in the energy industry. Find out more information here.
Repair Café Portsmouth Pop Up (Tue 2nd Nov, 10.30am – 12.30pm)
Come along to Southsea Library with your broken items and see if the team can breathe new life into them! More information here.
Setting a course to net zero: How Portsmouth’s port is embracing green technology (Wed 3rd Nov, 12pm – 1pm)
Join this online event to find out how Portsmouth International Port plans to become one of the UK’s first zero emission ports. Find out more information here.
The Hostile Environment in Pandemic Portsmouth (Wed 3rd Nov, 1pm – 4pm)
The Citizenship, Race and Belonging Research Group at the University of Portsmouth have a seminar that brings insight into the hostile environment that asylum seekers, refugees and migrants face in Portsmouth and across the world. Find out more information here.
Strike for Climate Justice (Fri 5th Nov, 12pm – 2pm)
Head down to Portsmouth Guildhall for 12pm to strike for climate justice and demand real action from COP26. Event details here.
National Health Action Party Online AGM & Conference (Sat 6th Nov, 12pm)
The National Health Action Party are inviting people to join their online annual general meeting via Zoom. Find more information here to register your interest.
March for Climate Justice (Sat 6th Nov, 12pm – 3pm)
6th November is a Global Day of Action for Climate Justice and local campaigners will be holding a march and rally to demand action at COP26. Event details here.
S&C is an independent local news publisher and a not for profit community organisation, managed and operated by a small team who work on a voluntary and freelance basis to run our website, social media and engage with local residents and communities. If you want to know more about us, click here. If you want to find out more about the challenges facing local independent news: visit the #SaveIndependentNews campaign website. Support S&C and donate, and help us spread the word on Facebook and Twitter.
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